
At Our Little Stepping Stones, we understand the significance of budgeting for childcare expenses. That's why we believe in transparency when it comes to tuition costs. We strive to provide affordable rates while maintaining the highest standards of care and education for your child. Our tuition fees are clearly outlined, ensuring that families can plan their finances with confidence. We are committed to offering exceptional value for your investment in your child's future, providing peace of mind as they embark on their learning journey with us.


(6 weeks to 18 months)

$225.00 per week

M-F 7am-5:30pm

Availability: Currently Filled


(18 months to 5 years)

$200.00 per week

M-F 7am-5:30pm

Availability: Currently Filled

Daily schedule

7 - 9AM :: Drop-Off Time/ Free Play

8 - 9AM :: Breakfast

9:15 - 9:30AM :: Diapers / Potty Break

9:15 - 10:30AM :: Curriculum Time / Centers

10:30 - 11AM :: Outside Time / Music and Movement

11 - 11:20AM :: Diapers / Potty Break / Get Ready for Lunch

11:20 - 12:15PM :: Lunch Time

12:15 - 12:30PM :: Quiet Reading / Toddlers Go to Sleep

12:30 - 12:45PM :: Movie Time for Big Kids

12:45 - 3PM :: Nap / Rest Time

3 - 3:15PM :: Diapers / Potty Break

3:15 - 3:45PM :: Snack Time

3:45 - 4:30PM :: Outside Time / Music and Movement

4:30 - 5:30PM :: Open Centers / Free Play / Pick-Up Time

See the space

Check out our large newly-remodeled play space with individual play areas encouraging different types of learning. Included is a dedicated nap space for your little one.


  • Please view this document for days that OLSS will be closed.

  • Please bring spare clothing, sun screen, bug spray, diapers, blankets and water bottle.

  • All child allergies will need to be stated prior to enrolling so allergy forms in kitchen and playroom are up to date.

    Any child requiring and epi-pen must have it on site prior to care starting.

  • OLSS is part of the USDA’s Child and Adult Food Program, serving healthly meals to children in childcare facilities.

    Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack is provided daily.